Saturday, 28 March 2015

31km! And a refreshing dip!

Week 13, was that the wall?

Week 13 has been relatively normal. I had 3 shorter runs, 2 x 8km and 1 x 12km, I did my 12 km run at a bit of faster pace, 5:22/km and felt really relaxed. It was a nice mild morning so that really helped.

The weather is certainly staring to get cooler, which makes for ideal running conditions. Although there has been a bit of wind and a bit of rain, luckily I've managed to avoid this!

My long run this week saw me break the 30km mark for the first time, I ran 31km.  I normally run Sundays, but I'm going to see the Lion King musical tomorrow, so did not have time to do my long run on a Sunday. It was good to get it out of the way this morning.

And, to make things a little bit different today, I had some running buddies! Barto and Tim from work joined me for my run, they ran 29km as are not quite up to the 31km distance yet. It was nice to have someone to chat to for a change! They did really well and certainly killed me on the hills, I think the hills on this marathon will not be my friend.

As far as today's run goes though, it felt really good. I did not have any real issues pain wise, my quads felt a little tight towards the 18km mark. I am wondering if this has anything to do with the fact I ran yesterday, I normally rest before my long runs. I took my gels at 1hr, 1:45 and 2:30, and this seemsed to work, although I am not sure if I did experience the wall, or perhaps the start of it? I had a strange wave come over me at the 28km mark, although I did not feel too bad, it certainly made me feel like I was losing all my energy, but I managed to get through it and kept going, my pace did not drop.

Talking of pace, today's pace was a little faster than my 29km run two weeks ago, I finished on 5:58/km. so not too bad. But I wonder if this is why I felt strange around the 28km mark, where as when I did 29km at a 6:13 pace, I felt as fresh as a daisy. I think that may explain things.

So, getting over 30km was another achievement for me. It's exciting seeing the kilometres rack up.

Next week is another recovery week, which will be nice. Although I'm enjoying the longer runs so much, I wonder how I'll feel doing 22km. It will feel short!

Ooh, also forgot to mention after my 31km run, I took a little dip in the wading pool at Eastern Beach! Perfect way to relax those sore muscles. Certainly feel it made a difference. It was pretty cold, but also very refreshing!

Until next time, keep enjoying life folks :-)

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Sunset and shoes!

Week 12, starting to feel a little closer to the end!

This week has gone really fast, it seemed to flash by in the blink of an eye.

I had 3 shorter runs this week 2 x 8km and 1 x 12km, my longer run was 23km.

I did my shorter runs this week at a bit of a faster pace than I have been, all around the 5:30/km mark,  given my longer run was a shorter distance, I did not think this would hurt. It has proven to be okay, although admittedly I've felt like it need a big stretch on the foam roller and I have to say I'm looking forward to my massage. I think I'm getting used to these slower paced runs and when I step it up even slightly it does have an impact on my body.

My 23km run was today and I really enjoyed it, it was a beautiful morning and I stopped to take photos and just enjoyed myself. My pace ended up at 5:57/km, which was faster than last week, but I felt okay with this.

I actually missed the fact I was not doing a really long run this week, 23 felt small after last weeks 29! It is amazing how your mind shifts and you consider 23km a short distance! Funnily enough though, sometimes my motivation on my 8km runs is fairly low and I actually struggle with them.

I am super excited though, because next week I am running 31km, I will break the 30km barrier! Can't wait. I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep this week.

I don't want to wish the week away, but I wish it was Saturday already!

Until then, think of me, out pounding the pavement! Taking some photos on the way!

Sunday, 15 March 2015

The bumpy week that was week 11

So, week 11 started out with me feeling very puffy in my calves following the 12km You Yangs hill session! Decided I must get some compression recovery socks to see if they help with this issue!

Tuesday morning I headed out for an 8km run with Barto, we did some hills in Newtown and I felt okay, although breathing was slightly heavy, by Tuesday afternoon I had a little bit of a tickly sore throat. By Tuesday night, I knew I was in for a cold! Bugger! I felt like I'd hit a wall and was  so tired!

Wednesday morning I was meant to run 10km, but clearly that was not happening, I called in sick at work and took a rest day. Made chicken soup, drunk heaps of honey and lemon, orange juice and dosed up on Fruit, by Wednesday night I was feeling a heap better and decided to head into work Thursday.

Well, that was probably a little silly as I spent all day blowing my nose, and probably spreading my ills to the whole office! Sorry folks! I really should learn!

Friday morning I felt tired again and decided to take another day off. I had a nice restful day.

Saturday was another restful day and I was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, thankfully. I bought some compression socks too!

So, Sunday morning, long run day, feeling loads better, I decided to tackle my 29km run. I had a good nights sleep and felt rested, head a lot clearer!  And.....I made it! It was a great run, although did have a few too many loo stops (won't go into detail, but, I may have had to go behind a tree). I think I was carrying a lot of fluid due to my cold maybe? Not sure, but there was an issue!

My pace for the run was 6:13/km and overall time just on 3hrs. With stops, it was almost 3hr 30, which is not good! But, it's a training run after all. I tackled some hills too which was good, feeling heaps better about them now!

Once I finished my run, I popped my compression socks on! I've worn them all day and right now my legs feel great! Let's see how they feel tomorrow.

Well, that was week 11. Let's hope week 12 is kinder.

Only 9 weeks to go!!!!

Sunday, 8 March 2015

This weeks runs, 49km in total, recovery week!

You Yangs 12km, hilly run!

Week 10, half way there!

Oh, yeah, we're halfway there, woo hoo, living on a prayer! You know the song folks, sing it!

Yep, I'm half way through my training program, and I am starting to get nervous! The reality is beginning to hit, this time in 10 weeks (with everything going to plan) I will have completed a marathon! Holy schmoly!

This week has been my recovery week and despite that, it has not been the easiest week. Tuesday was tough coming off my rest day after last weeks 27km, my calves were very tight, I hit the hills in Newtown and have to say, I wasn't loving them, but it still managed a 5:35/km pace, so not bad.

Wednesday I ran with Timbo, once again I was super happy to have a buddy to run with, even if it was only for the first few km and then we separated, but just knowing you're not out there doing it on your own makes a difference. We ran to the silos, an old favourite of ours, although my motivation was lacking, but the last 2km I upped it a gear and managed to run a 5:30/km pace.

Friday was my run to work day. Well, I woke to the sound of wind, yippee, my favourite, NOT! Well, you never know what the conditions will be like on the day and I just had to do it, so off I went at 6:30 am. I upped the pace a little for this longer run of the week and ran a 5:50/km pace, slightly quicker than my recent longer runs, but given the distance I figured this was okay. I felt pretty good and ran a strong last km.

My legs have suffered this week with tight calves, feel like I'm carrying a load of fluid and I do have to say the scales are reflecting this!

Today I ran a 12km hilly run at the You Yangs national park, well, I do hope the Great Ocean Road hills are a little kinder, because those hills at the You Yangs are nasty! I really struggled, although, have to say, I loved the down hill and the views from the top were amazing. Not to mention the fun of seeing kangaroos! I did enjoy it, but can't say the gravel road was great, much rather run on bitumen than slippery gravel.

So, that was week 10. I'm thrilled to be halfway through my training program and am excited to see how the next 10 weeks pans out! But as I say, I am slightly nervous! I guess I've just got to have faith that I can do this! If I put in the hard work, it will pay off. Bring it on!


Sunday, 1 March 2015

Omg, 27km!

Finally, some friends and an even longer run!

I was excited this week to have some buddies to run with on Wednesday, Tuesday I did an 8km run through the gardens on my own and ran a 5:22km pace. Wednesday was also an 8km day, and Barto was back following his week off with his calf injury, Timbo also came along and a work colleague of theirs, also Tim.

We did another 8km through the gardens and it was nice to have someone to chat to, Tim has done a lot of travel and we enjoyed talking about our travels to Japan, he also gave me some good recommendations on Germany, a trip to the Black Forrest is a must apparently! Will have to look into that.

Friday  was my 12km day and it was a nice bright morning so I got off the train at Corio and ran to work. I took it easy at a 5:43 pace. Felt good and got into work early.

Sunday has truly been the highlight of the week though with my 27km run being my longest ever run. I realise this will be an upcoming regular occurrence, but it's amazing how you feel each time you break the barrier. I ran from home and started out with a simple 4km circuit before heading out along the same path I did last week, which was 23km. I felt really good most of the way, a little bit of lower back pain, but over all I did not really tire. I had carb loaded a little yesterday, so this definitely helped. I used gels at 10km, 17km and 23km, this was mainly to time in with my water stops.

As I neared the end of my run I could not help but let out a cheer and raise my arms like I was finishing a race.  My pace was a 6:02, so I am happy with this as I had planned to take it slow. I did feel a little delirious at the 25km mark, but not in a bad way, just a bit of a case of the giggles.

After my run, I did have a big rush of endorphins and felt totally amazing. It was bizarre. Certainly felt a lit better than last weeks 23km run.

This week is my recovery week and I will run to work Friday, a 19km run, so will need to add on a kilometre at the start or end.

So, I feel this has been a momentous week, very excited and happy!