Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Elevation and pace

Wow, you can see how much I struggled in the second half, but I think I did well all things considered. Looking back over it, my walk breaks weren't as bad as I thought.

Monday, 18 May 2015

The marathon course

My medal!

My official time

About to cross the line, so happy to see the finish!

Woo hoo, I did it!!

Thanks Julie for making this awesome sign

Me and Barto post run

And, I'm done!! So happy!!

So excited for my first marathon

Ready to go, me and Barto!


Bread and butter pudding

My race kit

The beautiful view in Lorne

Week 20.....Merry Megsy completes a marathon!

So folks, it's over, done and dusted, I've finished my first marathon - woo hoo!

I'm not sure where to start, there is so much to think about. I think I'll start with Saturday.

So, I spent the day eating lots of carbs, porridge for breakfast, pasta for lunch and load of other snacks in between. i also spent the day getting prepared to head to Lorne to stay overnight with my support crew and Barto who was also running the marathon.

Pete dropped me in town to meet my support crew (Sares and Kymbo), and after meeting up with Barto we took the drive down to Lorne, with Sares driving, we were assured a safe trip, she's a great driver!

We arrived in Lorne around 5pm, We stayed at Sares Grandma's holiday house, which has the most amazing view over the water, it is simply spectacular and we were so lucky to be able to stay there!

We had dinner at around 7, I had pre-made some pearl cous cous and then for dessert we had bread and butter pudding, yum!

After watching a bit of footy, we all headed to bed. I did not sleep too bad, but certainly not the best, the nerves were starting to kick in!

I got up at 5:30 for a shower and to eat brekky, just to give myself plenty of time before we headed to the start line at 7:15 for an 8am start. It was a perfect day - the weather was just spectacular, not a breath of wind - we were so lucky given how bad the weather has been the last week.

We arrived at the start, had an obligatory nervous wee and then headed to the start line, we said good bye to Sares and Kymbo before getting ready to start. They then made there way to Apollo Bay to meet us at the end (such legends).

The horn sounded and 8am and we were off. I started out feeling really good and did not even notice the undulations of the road, Barto and I ran together, elbowing each other as we ran along, you'd think it was a narrow road, ha ha! We met up with a lovely lady by the name of Jen and chatted to her as we cruised along. At this rate we were doing some good times, a few 5:31/km, we were feeling good. But then, Barto's calf flared up, he said to keep going and he'd try to sort it out. I travelled along with Jen and she then stopped for a loo stop around the 15km mark, so then I was on my own.

At the 17km mark I ate my raspberry lollies and hit one of the first bigger hills, I took it easy and managed to get across the half marathon point in under 2 hours. I felt at this point I was on track to finish the marathon in around the 4hr mark, but I also knew I'd gone out hard, so was not sure where I'd get the energy from to keep up this pace, especially knowing there were some big hills ahead.

After the 21km point my pace slowed considerably, my legs started to tire and my feet and toes were very sore. My pace had slowed and my km laps were all starting to be over 6:00/km, at the 26 km mark the hills really started to kick in, I tried to keep running up them, but the mental challenge got a bit too much, I saw other people walking and thought, bugger it, I think I need to take a walk as well to get up those hills, so I did. It's hard to believe I managed to do 37km in training without having a walk break, but I guess the hills just got me, I totally underestimated them!

By 28km, there was a lovely down hill and I ran that km in 5:32km, shows how much the down hill gives you in speed! But then, back up another hill, more walking but still keeping to a walk jog, I would try not to walk more than 200metres, and then take a jog.

By the 36km mark it was all a mental challenge, my legs were stuffed and my will power was starting to fade away. Knowing I'd completed this distance before probably helped a bit but also was a hindrance, because I knew I'd done better last time. Between 36 and 40km I kept to a walk/jog, my slowest kilometre was 7:56! And that was on the flat! Lol!

At the 40km mark I stopped for a drink and my final energy gel, at this point I ran into Kellie, another girl from work who was also running the marathon.  I was sooooo happy to see her and we ran together for a bit, then she dropped back to run with one of her other work mates Paul.  I kept going but then hit another point where I wanted to walk, and then Kellie came up behind me and said "Hey, come on, lets keep running, I did not sprint up to you just to start walking" So, I picked it up to a slow jog and Kellie kept me going to the 42km mark. Thank god for running into her!  She was so motivating!

After we passed the marathon point, in a time of 4:24:11, I told Kellie to keep going because I need to take a little walk before running it into the end.  I walked for about 300metres and then picked it up to run it home.  The last 500 metres were so hard, seeing the finish line.  But thankfully at this point there are a lot of spectators and they really help you bring it home. Heaps of kids high fiving and giving loads of encouragement.

Just near the finish line I saw my work friend Julie with a sign saying "Go Megsy!" Man, I so needed this and I was so grateful that she waited around, I was a lot longer than I anticipated.  The right near the end I saw Sares, Kymbo and Barto and I crossed the line with a smile on my face, got my medal and then headed over for a congratulations hug!  (For those of you who know me, you know I don't hug, so it shows how much it meant to me to have these guys at the finish line supporting me)

My total finish time for the 44km was 4:39:47.  So just slightly above what I thought it would be, I was thinking I'd come in around the 4:24 for the 44 km, but I think given the course, I am pretty chuffed with this time.  After all, I crossed the line running and that to me is the main thing!

After a few photo opportunities, we caught up with Julie for a brief run down of how I went and then headed to the beach for a much needed dip in the ocean.  It was cold but so good.

After our dip in the water we headed to RB's Mum's house (you remember running bestie from the start - she could not be there today as was in Tassie for her gorgeous nephews b'day) for a shower.  RB had arranged for us to use the shower and gave us a key to the house, thanks to RB's Mum for agreeing to let us use the shower - it was a god send!

So from here it was the long trip home to Lara, with a few too many loo stops on the way (I was very focussed on being hydrated) and then a stop at Freshwater creek bakery for a passion fruit sponge (thanks Barto - that was so awesome), we arrived home around 5pm.  Thanks again to Sares for driving me all the way home, you are amazing.

So folk, that was my marathon. It was amazing and I am so happy to have completed it. I loved my training, especially the long runs. I did not love getting sick and I am still suffering from this, feeling a little wheezy (don't think this helped yesterday - but it's not an excuse). But I guess it's all part and parcel, gotta take the good with the bad.

I also want to thank everyone for their support along the way (I'll try and do a more detailed post later with all my thank you's) But for now, I will give a blanket thank you to everyone who has supported me in this journey to becoming a marathoner! I could not have done it without you - it's been so wonderful to have people spurring my on and motivating me to achieve this great experience.  Thank you just doesn't seem enough - love you all xxxxxx

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Week 19, the week that wasn't!

So, I finished off my last post saying how I planned on enjoying the week ahead, well, that plan did not exactly come to fruition!

Unless you consider blowing 10 tonnes of snot out of your nose fun, week 19 wasn't what I call fun!

Yes folks, I came down with cold number 2 of my training. This time though, I did not just breeze through and carry on, I have had to rest pretty much the whole week. I am so glad I am in my taper period. I did do a 4km run on Friday, just to test the lungs and the legs, it resulted in a fair bit of coughing but not too bad considering.

The good thing is, I am feeling loads better, but the bad thing is, I can't see it ever finishing. I thought Friday I'd finally stopped coughing and blowing my nose, but no, that is not the case. Today is Saturday and I am still blowing my nose, yes, a lot less than I was, but I am seriously over it!

Tomorrow I'd really like to go out and maybe run 6km, but I'm not sure it's a wise move. I just want to run, but I'm 1 week out from the marathon, so think it's smarter to rest, but who said MerryMegsy is smart?

Such a conundrum!

Hating this cold. Wishing it would go away!

Nothing much else to say. Week 19, worst week!

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Week 18, that was tough!

So, week 18 certainly has not been an easy week, despite it being the first taper week.

I still felt very tired after Saturday's long run, my legs were very stiff for my run Monday morning, I took it very easy and managed a 5:53/km for 8km. It was not an easy run that's for sure. I was thinking all the way about how much I was looking forward to my massage that was scheduled in for Tuesday night. I think another major contributing factor to my tiredness, may have been the 40th bday I went to on Saturday night! One must remember that one can not drink as much as they used to, and also remember that I am training for a marathon, so must look after myself! Vodka soaked gummy bears are not my friend!

So Tuesday morning has to certainly go down as my least favourite run of the whole training plan, even though I did have a buddy, I was joined by Barto for a 10km run. I decided we should do some hills so we headed up into the gardens and did a few hills as part of the run. Poor Barto must have been cursing agreeing to run with me as all I did was moan the whole way, it was such a tough run. I was so tired and just did not want to even run further than 500 metres. But, we still did it and once it was over, I was very glad. We did a 5:46/km pace and I guess that may be why I was feeling so bad, it was a fast pace given the distance of Saturdays long run.

Thursday morning I did a nice early run at 5:30am, I was working in Melbourne for the day so had to get my run done early. I ran 6km and managed to pick up the pace a bit, 5:35/km. this may have had something to do with my awesome massage I had Tuesday night!

My myotherapist did a wonderful job using me as a human pin cushion and dry needling me within an inch of my life! OMG, it was amazing. She got rid some knots that had been hanging around for a long time. I felt like a new woman!

Friday was my rest day, which was a good thing as I was starting to get a sore throat and a bit of a cough, however, in typical MerryMegsy fashion, I still did my Saturday long run. Although, I did feel pretty good Saturday morning. The weather was beautiful, really nice and still, cool, but not cold!

I felt good the whole way really, apart from having to stop a couple of times to cough, maybe not the best thing. Also, the other annoying thing was my stupid watch stopped halfway when I paused it. So, that's the end of that, I'm taking it back to the store for a refund, hope they give me one, but it's got so many faults and I can't trust that it will work on race day.

So I went out and bought a Garmin forerunner, my running bestie has one and she loves it. So let's hope it works well for me, I'll test it out tomorrow.

So that was week 18, I've got 2 weeks to go. I hope this silly cough sorts itself out and I feel tops by the time of the marathon. At this stage the weather is forecast for 16 degrees but cloudy. So that should be good.

Well that's all for now folks. Enjoy the week ahead, I know that what I'm planning on doing!

Cheerio :-)

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Exciting!!!! Longest run!!!

Race Number

Ooooh forgot to mention, my race number arrived! Yippee!!!!

Week 17 - highest number of km, done!

Week 17, it's that week I never would have even thought I'd ever be able to do, and it's over, and ....... I did it!

I remember putting together my training program and thinking, man, that is a lot of kilometres. The total number of kilometres for the week was 67. I did have some doubts, during the week, I changed my mind a number of times about the distance of my longest run. Unfortunately it does not take much to have someone totally throw you off your plan,a small word in your ear saying "ooh, I'd never run 37km in my training plan!"

And yes, someone did say this to me and it did throw me off track. And then I spent numerous hours researching the net only to find that most people don't run that far, so I guess I was wrong. But my one issue is, once I decide on something, I generally will at least give it a go, I try to stick to my plan.

So I went into Saturday's run deciding to cut back to 36km, yes, I know it's only 1 kilometre! But of course, in my mind I pretty much knew what I was like, and chances are, I would run 37km. And, yes, of course I did run 37km. Mentally, I think I had to.

As for the run, it wasn't as pretty as my 34km run, but I think that probably came off the back of a pretty solid week where I did some nice paces on my shorter runs. So really, the 37 was pretty good. My overall pace was 5:59/km, so quite solid.

The main thing I took out of this run, was I kept going, even when my hamstrings felt like they were about to explode. I stopped, had a little stretch and then just ploughed on. The thing I liked most about my run was that I added the extra distance in at the start of the run, so rather than having to do extra laps at the end, I'd already completed the extra distance by the time I got to the 10km mark. My 10km mark of this run was where I'd normally be at 4km.

I saw lots of friendly folks along the way again, and also some really cute pooches, they kept me happy and motivated.

I also have to mention that today was ANZAC day, so there was no way I was giving up today, when the going got tough, I just thought to myself, imagine how hard it was for those diggers Megan! This is nothing! The ANZAC spirit kept me going.

As for the rest of week 17, I did a 10km, a 12km and an 8km. All very nice runs and again, it was a pretty good week weather wise. A little bit of rain around, but nothing to complain about.

For my long run the weather was not great, but I only got a tiny bit of rain at the 7km mark and then managed to stay dry. There was a bit of rain when I was in the pool recovering after the run, but that did not matter.

So, that was week 17. Now it's taper time.

Today I also want to mention all the people who have been so encouraging to me on Facebook and Twitter. It's so lovely to get such nice words of encouragement, it really motivates me.

Well, that's all for now folks. I'll update you all next week on the status of my first taper week.

Until then, enjoy yourselves folks and remember to take some time to think about the ANZACS, those who sacrificed there lives through war, so we can live the life we do today! Lest we forget.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Even pace!

Wow, today's 10km run deserves its own mid week blog post! I ran a beautiful even pace and felt fantastic. Let's hope I can replicate this on Marathon day!

Sunday, 19 April 2015

My new flip belt

Loving my new flip belt!!

And it's 4 weeks to go, woo hoo!

Week 16 has been very kind to me, I've had some really nice runs this week, even though there was one run in the rain. 

I don't know what it is, but I felt like I'd turned a corner this week, I managed to do some of my shorter runs at a quicker pace and did not feel tired like I had the previous week. 

Monday was my first run of the week and I decided to tackle a couple of hills, but I still managed to run a 5:19/km pace, which was great given I'd had my long run on Saturday. I did not feel any fatigue and even kept my pace up as I hit the hills.  It was a 10km run, so put in in good stead for the week ahead.

Wednesday was scheduled for 12 km, so I took all my clothes etc into work on Tuesday so that on Wednesday morning I was able to get off the train at Corio station. It is exactly 12km in from Corio station to work, it's a nice easy run. I did the same run last week and really felt tired, but this week I did not feel like this at all. It was a humid morning, but I managed a 5:27/km pace, so was again, really happy with this and how the week was tracking.

Friday was my long run day this week, I took my stuff into work on Thursday and then on Friday morning I ran into work.  I did a small 3km loop before heading out along the track to give me the 21km distance. It was a perfect morning, still conditions and nice and mild. Although it was my long run and I really should be taking it easy, I could not help but lift the pace this week, which I think mentally for me was a good idea. I managed a 5:37/km pace and felt good the whole way, no issues at all. If I can do this sort of pace for the marathon I'll be really happy!

Today was my last run of the week, it's a rainy day but I just decided to get out there and get it done. My schedule called for an 8km run, so that's not too long to be in the rain! Mind you it was not raining when I started so I was quite lucky, but I did get hit by a shower as I ran. I felt fantastic again, nice and easy and did not realise I was travelling so fast, I was surprised to see my pace at 5:25/km.

So amazingly after feeling a little bit sad and sorry for myself last week, this week could not have been better. Maybe it was the high of doing my 34km last week, it really did have me buzzing. I'm not sure, but I just hope I can carry this feeling on until the marathon. I think I can. My spirits are high and knowing that this time in 4 weeks I should have finished the run, I just can't help but feel excited. I imagine crossing the line and having a medal hanging around my neck! I just can't wait. 

But, I won't get too far ahead of myself. This week is my longest run with 37km scheduled! I am excited and just can't wait. Saturday can't come soon enough.  It imagine how your mind shifts through the training cycle, 37km seemed so daunting to me, and now, I feel it's really achievable. Let's hope so. I will take it easy, no record breaking to occur!

Also, in other exciting news, I bought some running tops which I will try out this week to decided which top I will wear on race day! And I also bought a new flip belt which I will use to carry my gels and phone etc. Its very cool, I will post some pics!

Until next time folks, enjoy yourself, keep fit and healthy. And remember, those dreams that you have today, will become reality tomorrow and then memories the next day. Keep dreaming and living the dream. :-)

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Week 15, 3/4 of the way there!!

It's now officially only 5 weeks until my marathon.  I have to say that my training has gone really quite fast and I'm surprised to be at the end of week 15.

The highlight of this week has to be my 34km run.  I won't focus too much on my shorter runs, as once again, I felt a little lonely and although I ran faster paces, I can't say I was loving them this week.  Having said that though, conditions were perfect all week, which made for beautiful running, but my heart was not in the shorter distances, I think I had my eye on the prize of completing the longer run!

I was planning on doing 33km this week, and was all set to do this with my run mapped out.  But as I started my long run, I had a little thought about adding on an extra km. The reason I did this was purely to challenge myself a little, but also to give myself a mental edge.  The Great Ocean Road Marathon is 44km, they throw in an extra 2km just to make it a little bit more daunting!  So I sort of figured by running 34km, in my mind I know it's only another 10km to complete the marathon distance.

So I set out and once again, felt good right from the start.  I had my typical early run loo stop - how many times do I have to empty my bladder! But once I got going, it was smooth sailing the whole way. it was another glorious morning, slightly on the warm side, but no wind.

The thing I find most pleasant about doing a long run is the people you encounter along the way.  I saw a few people out walking, some running, some biking and some playing with dogs.  Lots of people gave me a smile and said good morning.  I saw an old couple I'd seen two weeks before, I am sure they recognised me and they gave me a hearty hello!

My running sound track today proved to be a great choice - my favourite is the song "I'm on top of the world", it just gave me little boost as I hit the 20km mark and I felt like I kicked into a higher gear - although, overall my pace remained consistent the whole way.  Apart from a couple of hills, at one hill I slowed right down and ran 1km in 6:34! But my overall pace for the whole run was 5:55/km, so a little faster than some of my other long runs.

I finished the run strong and after a stretch and something to eat & drink, I took a dip at Eastern Beach, which I really find helps aid recovery.  I also met 2 other runners in the pool which was really nice. We had a great chat about our training, they are both training for the Great ocean Road half marathon.

I've got one more long run to go in my training program.  I am excited about this as it means the marathon is edging closer. This time in 5 weeks hopefully i will have crossed the finish line.

For now, though, I am focusing on journey along the way - it's good to focus on the finish line, keep my eye on the prize, but I don't want to be so focussed that I forget to enjoy the journey.

Until next time folks, travel safe, enjoy the journey and focus on the good things in your life xx

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Recovery week, and my own personal cheer squad!

It was a recovery week this week after last weeks 31km. I juggled things around a bit due to a few appointments and to ensure my Easter weekend was running free.

Monday I ran 7km, as I had a dentist appointment at 8:30, so no time to squeeze in anything longer. Pleased to report no dental issues and also pleased with my run after Saturdays long run. I ran a 5:32/km pace and felt really good, it was a beautiful morning, perfect conditions for running!

Tuesday morning I ran on my own again, this time my distance was 12km. I ran a 5:39/km pace and again, felt really good, if not somewhat lonely though. It's weird, I'm finding my longer runs I can motivate myself well and don't really need company, but now my weekday runs, I feel like I need a friend!

Wednesday was a rest day, I had an Osteo appointment and felt like I did not really need to go, however afterwards, it was amazing how good I felt!

Thursday morning was another lovely morning, this autumn weather is definitely putting on a nice show. Again, I felt lonely. I ran past a place where they keep a Turkey and some other farm animals, the turkey normally gives me a good old gobble, today he said nothing! I ran 10km and kept it a bit slower, 5:47/km, as on Friday I had my long run so wanted to feel fresh.

Friday morning was Good Friday, so clearly it was a day off work, but not a day off running, I wanted Easter to be running free to allow me some time to have a few drinks and eat some yummy food without having to think I had to run the next day.  I headed out at 6:45 and ran the same path from home along the creek and past the grammar school. I really like this path as I feel like I am in the middle of nowhere. As the sun comes up it is just beautiful.

Funnily enough, today I did not feel lonely, had my music playing and just enjoyed the run. I ran out for 11.5km, turned and ran back, but the highlight of my run was when I cam across my own personal cheer squad! A Mum and her two young kids were walking on the path, they saw me coming, so pulled off to the side to let me pass, they had 3 dogs with them. As I ran closer to them, the Mum called out to me "Keep going, you can do it" and the kids yelled out, "Great work, keep going, you're going really well!"

It seriously made my day, I was so chuffed and it made me think about the marathon and how it will be to have people cheering you along. It made my lonely week a distant memory, and made me focus on the final goal, crossing the marathon finish line. That's why I'm doing this, that's what I want to do, cross the line. I don't care how long it takes, I want to feel the glory and achievement of finishing something I never would have thought I could do.

I will take those cheers with me this week and use them as motivation to do my runs, long and short.

Thanks to those random people who cheered me on. You'll never know what it meant to me and how much it made my day, let alone motivated my to keep going, not just on that run, but to keep training! Not that I'm about to stop, I'm too close now, I've got 6 weeks to go. But there are days when thinking about going out for another run can be a little bit of a challenge.

So as week 14 draws to a close, I will remember those cheers and look forward to week 15!

Saturday, 28 March 2015

31km! And a refreshing dip!

Week 13, was that the wall?

Week 13 has been relatively normal. I had 3 shorter runs, 2 x 8km and 1 x 12km, I did my 12 km run at a bit of faster pace, 5:22/km and felt really relaxed. It was a nice mild morning so that really helped.

The weather is certainly staring to get cooler, which makes for ideal running conditions. Although there has been a bit of wind and a bit of rain, luckily I've managed to avoid this!

My long run this week saw me break the 30km mark for the first time, I ran 31km.  I normally run Sundays, but I'm going to see the Lion King musical tomorrow, so did not have time to do my long run on a Sunday. It was good to get it out of the way this morning.

And, to make things a little bit different today, I had some running buddies! Barto and Tim from work joined me for my run, they ran 29km as are not quite up to the 31km distance yet. It was nice to have someone to chat to for a change! They did really well and certainly killed me on the hills, I think the hills on this marathon will not be my friend.

As far as today's run goes though, it felt really good. I did not have any real issues pain wise, my quads felt a little tight towards the 18km mark. I am wondering if this has anything to do with the fact I ran yesterday, I normally rest before my long runs. I took my gels at 1hr, 1:45 and 2:30, and this seemsed to work, although I am not sure if I did experience the wall, or perhaps the start of it? I had a strange wave come over me at the 28km mark, although I did not feel too bad, it certainly made me feel like I was losing all my energy, but I managed to get through it and kept going, my pace did not drop.

Talking of pace, today's pace was a little faster than my 29km run two weeks ago, I finished on 5:58/km. so not too bad. But I wonder if this is why I felt strange around the 28km mark, where as when I did 29km at a 6:13 pace, I felt as fresh as a daisy. I think that may explain things.

So, getting over 30km was another achievement for me. It's exciting seeing the kilometres rack up.

Next week is another recovery week, which will be nice. Although I'm enjoying the longer runs so much, I wonder how I'll feel doing 22km. It will feel short!

Ooh, also forgot to mention after my 31km run, I took a little dip in the wading pool at Eastern Beach! Perfect way to relax those sore muscles. Certainly feel it made a difference. It was pretty cold, but also very refreshing!

Until next time, keep enjoying life folks :-)

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Sunset and shoes!

Week 12, starting to feel a little closer to the end!

This week has gone really fast, it seemed to flash by in the blink of an eye.

I had 3 shorter runs this week 2 x 8km and 1 x 12km, my longer run was 23km.

I did my shorter runs this week at a bit of a faster pace than I have been, all around the 5:30/km mark,  given my longer run was a shorter distance, I did not think this would hurt. It has proven to be okay, although admittedly I've felt like it need a big stretch on the foam roller and I have to say I'm looking forward to my massage. I think I'm getting used to these slower paced runs and when I step it up even slightly it does have an impact on my body.

My 23km run was today and I really enjoyed it, it was a beautiful morning and I stopped to take photos and just enjoyed myself. My pace ended up at 5:57/km, which was faster than last week, but I felt okay with this.

I actually missed the fact I was not doing a really long run this week, 23 felt small after last weeks 29! It is amazing how your mind shifts and you consider 23km a short distance! Funnily enough though, sometimes my motivation on my 8km runs is fairly low and I actually struggle with them.

I am super excited though, because next week I am running 31km, I will break the 30km barrier! Can't wait. I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep this week.

I don't want to wish the week away, but I wish it was Saturday already!

Until then, think of me, out pounding the pavement! Taking some photos on the way!

Sunday, 15 March 2015

The bumpy week that was week 11

So, week 11 started out with me feeling very puffy in my calves following the 12km You Yangs hill session! Decided I must get some compression recovery socks to see if they help with this issue!

Tuesday morning I headed out for an 8km run with Barto, we did some hills in Newtown and I felt okay, although breathing was slightly heavy, by Tuesday afternoon I had a little bit of a tickly sore throat. By Tuesday night, I knew I was in for a cold! Bugger! I felt like I'd hit a wall and was  so tired!

Wednesday morning I was meant to run 10km, but clearly that was not happening, I called in sick at work and took a rest day. Made chicken soup, drunk heaps of honey and lemon, orange juice and dosed up on Fruit, by Wednesday night I was feeling a heap better and decided to head into work Thursday.

Well, that was probably a little silly as I spent all day blowing my nose, and probably spreading my ills to the whole office! Sorry folks! I really should learn!

Friday morning I felt tired again and decided to take another day off. I had a nice restful day.

Saturday was another restful day and I was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, thankfully. I bought some compression socks too!

So, Sunday morning, long run day, feeling loads better, I decided to tackle my 29km run. I had a good nights sleep and felt rested, head a lot clearer!  And.....I made it! It was a great run, although did have a few too many loo stops (won't go into detail, but, I may have had to go behind a tree). I think I was carrying a lot of fluid due to my cold maybe? Not sure, but there was an issue!

My pace for the run was 6:13/km and overall time just on 3hrs. With stops, it was almost 3hr 30, which is not good! But, it's a training run after all. I tackled some hills too which was good, feeling heaps better about them now!

Once I finished my run, I popped my compression socks on! I've worn them all day and right now my legs feel great! Let's see how they feel tomorrow.

Well, that was week 11. Let's hope week 12 is kinder.

Only 9 weeks to go!!!!

Sunday, 8 March 2015

This weeks runs, 49km in total, recovery week!

You Yangs 12km, hilly run!

Week 10, half way there!

Oh, yeah, we're halfway there, woo hoo, living on a prayer! You know the song folks, sing it!

Yep, I'm half way through my training program, and I am starting to get nervous! The reality is beginning to hit, this time in 10 weeks (with everything going to plan) I will have completed a marathon! Holy schmoly!

This week has been my recovery week and despite that, it has not been the easiest week. Tuesday was tough coming off my rest day after last weeks 27km, my calves were very tight, I hit the hills in Newtown and have to say, I wasn't loving them, but it still managed a 5:35/km pace, so not bad.

Wednesday I ran with Timbo, once again I was super happy to have a buddy to run with, even if it was only for the first few km and then we separated, but just knowing you're not out there doing it on your own makes a difference. We ran to the silos, an old favourite of ours, although my motivation was lacking, but the last 2km I upped it a gear and managed to run a 5:30/km pace.

Friday was my run to work day. Well, I woke to the sound of wind, yippee, my favourite, NOT! Well, you never know what the conditions will be like on the day and I just had to do it, so off I went at 6:30 am. I upped the pace a little for this longer run of the week and ran a 5:50/km pace, slightly quicker than my recent longer runs, but given the distance I figured this was okay. I felt pretty good and ran a strong last km.

My legs have suffered this week with tight calves, feel like I'm carrying a load of fluid and I do have to say the scales are reflecting this!

Today I ran a 12km hilly run at the You Yangs national park, well, I do hope the Great Ocean Road hills are a little kinder, because those hills at the You Yangs are nasty! I really struggled, although, have to say, I loved the down hill and the views from the top were amazing. Not to mention the fun of seeing kangaroos! I did enjoy it, but can't say the gravel road was great, much rather run on bitumen than slippery gravel.

So, that was week 10. I'm thrilled to be halfway through my training program and am excited to see how the next 10 weeks pans out! But as I say, I am slightly nervous! I guess I've just got to have faith that I can do this! If I put in the hard work, it will pay off. Bring it on!


Sunday, 1 March 2015

Omg, 27km!

Finally, some friends and an even longer run!

I was excited this week to have some buddies to run with on Wednesday, Tuesday I did an 8km run through the gardens on my own and ran a 5:22km pace. Wednesday was also an 8km day, and Barto was back following his week off with his calf injury, Timbo also came along and a work colleague of theirs, also Tim.

We did another 8km through the gardens and it was nice to have someone to chat to, Tim has done a lot of travel and we enjoyed talking about our travels to Japan, he also gave me some good recommendations on Germany, a trip to the Black Forrest is a must apparently! Will have to look into that.

Friday  was my 12km day and it was a nice bright morning so I got off the train at Corio and ran to work. I took it easy at a 5:43 pace. Felt good and got into work early.

Sunday has truly been the highlight of the week though with my 27km run being my longest ever run. I realise this will be an upcoming regular occurrence, but it's amazing how you feel each time you break the barrier. I ran from home and started out with a simple 4km circuit before heading out along the same path I did last week, which was 23km. I felt really good most of the way, a little bit of lower back pain, but over all I did not really tire. I had carb loaded a little yesterday, so this definitely helped. I used gels at 10km, 17km and 23km, this was mainly to time in with my water stops.

As I neared the end of my run I could not help but let out a cheer and raise my arms like I was finishing a race.  My pace was a 6:02, so I am happy with this as I had planned to take it slow. I did feel a little delirious at the 25km mark, but not in a bad way, just a bit of a case of the giggles.

After my run, I did have a big rush of endorphins and felt totally amazing. It was bizarre. Certainly felt a lit better than last weeks 23km run.

This week is my recovery week and I will run to work Friday, a 19km run, so will need to add on a kilometre at the start or end.

So, I feel this has been a momentous week, very excited and happy!

Sunday, 22 February 2015

This weeks running breakdown, 51km in total

Finally, more that 21.1km

I feel like I've broken a barrier, this week my long run was 23km and it's the furthest I've ever run. I've completed half marathons before but never beyond that, and today, I broke that barrier and went the distance, 23km. Wonder how I'll feel after 44km? After today, whilst I felt good, I think I realise what a challenge it is that lays ahead of me!

It's been a good week though, somewhat lonely though as all my runs were on my own. Barto is out with a calf injury but hopes to be back this week, fingers are crossed. After my 8km run on Wednesday I came back to the change rooms and had a slight Bridget Jones moment, singing "All by myself" in the change rooms.

I had a technical glitch occur this week with my running gear, my trusty running watch died! Seriously, I think it never wanted to run more than 21km as it has tended to let me down when I'm out doing longer distances. Bit this week the screen have up the ghost, it was out of warranty, so off to the shop I went to buy a new one. I bought another Nike running watch even though it has had a few issues, overall, it's been a good watch and by having the same watch I can keep all my records in the one app. It would have been bad that halfway through training I have to change too new app.

So, anyway, how was my long run? It was pretty good, it was a warm morning, so I set out a little concerned by the heat, but the path I ran has plenty of water stops and I managed to keep hydrated. I sued to energy gels along the way, vanilla, which was yummy! Towards the 15km mark I had to stop for a good stretch, my glute was a little tight and it was starting to hurt as I run, not painful, but just a dull niggle. I'd say based on today's run, I'd feel okay if I had to run 10 ore km, but not sure how I'd go if I was running the full marathon. I guess that's why you train!

My other runs for the week were two 10 km runs, my first one I smashed with a 5:09pace, it's good to know I can still run faster. My 8km was a nice little hilly run, with a 5:41pace and Fridays 10km run was a 5:27pace.

I've made some changed to my diet this week, added in some more protein and carbs, just really increased what I'm eating, which stops me snacking on rubbish! Not that I eat a lot of rubbish, but those yummy slices and cakes at work are sometimes hard to say no to!

Well, that was the week that was, week 8! 12 weeks to go! Next week is 27km, at this stage is scares the crap out of me! But until them, I'll just keep running!

Cheerio :-)

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Recovery week, 15km was my longest run

Total of 43km for the week.

Thought of the week

The ups and downs that were week 7

The week started with my eyes still being slightly puffy from Sundays run at Serendip Sanctuary, they ended up taking over 24 hours to return to normal, certainly not fun! Mondays run was 10km and I decided to do a run through Newtown where there are a few decent hills. It was a warm morning but I enjoyed the run and killed the hills, well, they almost killed me if I'm truthful! I did a nice pace of 5:31 per km, so not bad overall.

Wednesday I ran wig Barto and did a faster paced 8km, up through Eastern gardens, so again more hills, we did a 5:26 per km pace, it was another warm morning.  Barto had a few issues with his calf and a trip to the physio is in order! My back has been playing up a bit, feels like it needs a good crack! Can't wait to see my myotherapist next week.

Now for the low point of the week, Fridays run, 15 km. it was a warm morning and I'm not sure what was wrong, but my legs were really heavy (I did a big session on the foam roller last night) and right from the start, I just did not feel good. Again, I did the hills in Newtown, and this time they really did kill me! I was suffering. My pace was 6:05, which should have felt easy, but it felt terrible. My Nike watch was also way out compared the the route I mapped, so to get to 15km on my watch, I actually ran 16km. Yes, I know, I could have stuck to the route, but I'm a sucker for having my watch record my distances., and I'd planned to run 15km, so I want my watch to read 15km, I could not stop at 14! Obsessive compulsive I know.

So given Fridays run was so bad, I decided to do my last run of the week today, on a Saturday, just so I could clear the cobwebs and get in a decent run. It was hot and humid, but I ended up having an awesome run, felt really good, did a 5:41 pace. So, that took my mind off my horrible run and the bonus is I get to sleep in tomorrow, don't have to get up early and run. The other bonus is, week 7 of training is complete! Yippee! So happy and looking forward to next weeks long run, 23km, bring it on.

That's all for now folks, I'll leave you with this one thought: A journey of a thousand miles, must begin with one step!

Sunday, 8 February 2015

This weeks training breakdown - week 6

100 days to go!!!!

Long run selfie!

Beautiful sunrise!

Just a sneaky half marathon before work......

Week 6 saw me run a half marathon before work, never thought I'd say that, but I ran 21km and then spent a day at work! Omg!

My week consisted of 1 x 11km, 2 x 8km and a 21km long run.

The 11km was my kick off run for the week and I took it up a notch running a 5:31 pace, felt pretty good, although one issue was it was quite dark in the morning at 5am due to cloud cover and one of my streets I ran down was a little poorly lit, must remember to avoid that street on dark mornings, either that or I really need to wear the sweaty knuckle lights, which is not great on warm mornings!

My 8km Wednesday run was a solo run in Geelong, I hit some hills in the gardens and set a 5:29 pace, very happy with this given the hills.

My Friday run was my 21km long run, after last weeks successful 18km run to work, I decided to to the same route but added an extra 3km loop before the 18km stretch. It was the most amazing morning, perfect temperature and beautiful clear skies. I set out at 5:40am and did my 3km loop before hitting the trail to head into town. It was starting to light up a bit before I hit the main path and the sun was starting to come up. As I ran along the Hovells creek path I could see it was going to be a spectacular sunrise. At the 8km mark, I stopped to take photos it was so incredibly beautiful. Looking out of the inlet where the creek meets the bay was just pure magic. Black swans were swimming, I could not help but feel so very lucky to be out experiencing such a gorgeous morning.

But back to the task at hand, running, well, it's not hard to run when you've got such artery back drop, that's for sure. For the first time I used energy gels in my run. I normally eat little apricot chews on longer runs, but for the marathon, I have decided I will use energy gels but of course want to try them out to see how my stomach copes. I had a vanilla flavoured endura gel for this run and I have to say it was actually really pleasant! I made sure I took it with some water. I only had the one, as no need to take more on this run, but it seemed to keep me going till the end and no upset stomach. I'll use them again on my next long run which is in 2 weeks time.

As for today's run, which was my last run for week 6, I did an 8km run and decided to head out towards Serendip sanctuary, this was lucky for me as I needed a pit stop and they have good loo's in the picnic area. The other downside of my run was that I had an allergy issue and my eyes have puffed up like the elephant man! I think it's probably half ever related, I have had this happen twice before, but normally not whilst I'm running, it normally occurs once I've stopped. When I got home I used eye drops, took an antihistamine and have been icing my puffy eyes, they are starting to go down now, 2.5hrs after my run! Let's hope that is not an issue when I run my marathon!

So over all, it's been a really good week, I loved my long run and I guess that's the main thing. I've pulled up quite well from it too, although I am feeling a little twinge in my glute, so back on the roller  for me and also need to make sure I'm doing my glute strength exercises.

Next week is a recovery week with the longest run being 15km, after that it's up to a 23km long run which will be my longest run ever! Wonder how I'll feel?

Until next time, may everyone enjoy the marvels of nature as I did on my long run, get up early one day and see if you can experience a beautiful sunrise, it certainly has a wonderful effect on your mood :-)

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Week 5, 1/4 of they way there!

What a fun week it has been! The highlight of course was my 18km run to work on Friday. I was very organised and took all my work gear in to work on Thursday, and of course had the fridge at work stocked with some snacks and drinks to have once I completed my run.

Thankfully it was a really good morning weather wise, on the cool side, with a hint of rain in the air. I set out at 6am and made my way along the hovels creek track from Lara, and around past the Grammar school, past Shell, through North Shore and into Geelong along the highway and then through Rippleside along the waterfront.  It was so pleasant and I'd actually have to say, one of my favourite runs of all time.  I ran with music which I have not done for a long time and I really loved having the tunes keeping me company and motivating me along the way.

I also used a new app called Road ID, this enables people to follow you on your run and also sends an alert to them if you are not moving for more than 5 minutes, I felt very safe knowing that Pete (my partner) was able to follow me along the way. Will definitely use this app for my longer runs.

I wore my spi belt to carry my phone, ID, some money (just in case), my lip balm, some tissues (just in case!) and a small recycled baby food bottle/pouch filled with water.  This was a great way to keep track of how much I drank along the way and ensured I always had some water with me. I just filled it up at water fountains and kept it full in my belt. Very handy and not too bulky.

My other runs this week have been a 10km run on Monday and 2 x 8km, one on Wednesday and one this morning.

Ooh, and I forgot to mention, the other highlight of my week was my massage! I was hanging out for it and certainly have noticed a big difference since I had it. I've booked in a again for 3 weeks time.

Well, that was week 5. I feel like it's been a bit of a monumentous week.  Next week my long run is 21km and I am going to run to work again with an extra 3km tacked on. Can't wait!

Until then folks, enjoy what you do and if you don't enjoy it, don't do it!