Sunday, 3 May 2015

Week 18, that was tough!

So, week 18 certainly has not been an easy week, despite it being the first taper week.

I still felt very tired after Saturday's long run, my legs were very stiff for my run Monday morning, I took it very easy and managed a 5:53/km for 8km. It was not an easy run that's for sure. I was thinking all the way about how much I was looking forward to my massage that was scheduled in for Tuesday night. I think another major contributing factor to my tiredness, may have been the 40th bday I went to on Saturday night! One must remember that one can not drink as much as they used to, and also remember that I am training for a marathon, so must look after myself! Vodka soaked gummy bears are not my friend!

So Tuesday morning has to certainly go down as my least favourite run of the whole training plan, even though I did have a buddy, I was joined by Barto for a 10km run. I decided we should do some hills so we headed up into the gardens and did a few hills as part of the run. Poor Barto must have been cursing agreeing to run with me as all I did was moan the whole way, it was such a tough run. I was so tired and just did not want to even run further than 500 metres. But, we still did it and once it was over, I was very glad. We did a 5:46/km pace and I guess that may be why I was feeling so bad, it was a fast pace given the distance of Saturdays long run.

Thursday morning I did a nice early run at 5:30am, I was working in Melbourne for the day so had to get my run done early. I ran 6km and managed to pick up the pace a bit, 5:35/km. this may have had something to do with my awesome massage I had Tuesday night!

My myotherapist did a wonderful job using me as a human pin cushion and dry needling me within an inch of my life! OMG, it was amazing. She got rid some knots that had been hanging around for a long time. I felt like a new woman!

Friday was my rest day, which was a good thing as I was starting to get a sore throat and a bit of a cough, however, in typical MerryMegsy fashion, I still did my Saturday long run. Although, I did feel pretty good Saturday morning. The weather was beautiful, really nice and still, cool, but not cold!

I felt good the whole way really, apart from having to stop a couple of times to cough, maybe not the best thing. Also, the other annoying thing was my stupid watch stopped halfway when I paused it. So, that's the end of that, I'm taking it back to the store for a refund, hope they give me one, but it's got so many faults and I can't trust that it will work on race day.

So I went out and bought a Garmin forerunner, my running bestie has one and she loves it. So let's hope it works well for me, I'll test it out tomorrow.

So that was week 18, I've got 2 weeks to go. I hope this silly cough sorts itself out and I feel tops by the time of the marathon. At this stage the weather is forecast for 16 degrees but cloudy. So that should be good.

Well that's all for now folks. Enjoy the week ahead, I know that what I'm planning on doing!

Cheerio :-)

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