Monday, 18 May 2015

Week 20.....Merry Megsy completes a marathon!

So folks, it's over, done and dusted, I've finished my first marathon - woo hoo!

I'm not sure where to start, there is so much to think about. I think I'll start with Saturday.

So, I spent the day eating lots of carbs, porridge for breakfast, pasta for lunch and load of other snacks in between. i also spent the day getting prepared to head to Lorne to stay overnight with my support crew and Barto who was also running the marathon.

Pete dropped me in town to meet my support crew (Sares and Kymbo), and after meeting up with Barto we took the drive down to Lorne, with Sares driving, we were assured a safe trip, she's a great driver!

We arrived in Lorne around 5pm, We stayed at Sares Grandma's holiday house, which has the most amazing view over the water, it is simply spectacular and we were so lucky to be able to stay there!

We had dinner at around 7, I had pre-made some pearl cous cous and then for dessert we had bread and butter pudding, yum!

After watching a bit of footy, we all headed to bed. I did not sleep too bad, but certainly not the best, the nerves were starting to kick in!

I got up at 5:30 for a shower and to eat brekky, just to give myself plenty of time before we headed to the start line at 7:15 for an 8am start. It was a perfect day - the weather was just spectacular, not a breath of wind - we were so lucky given how bad the weather has been the last week.

We arrived at the start, had an obligatory nervous wee and then headed to the start line, we said good bye to Sares and Kymbo before getting ready to start. They then made there way to Apollo Bay to meet us at the end (such legends).

The horn sounded and 8am and we were off. I started out feeling really good and did not even notice the undulations of the road, Barto and I ran together, elbowing each other as we ran along, you'd think it was a narrow road, ha ha! We met up with a lovely lady by the name of Jen and chatted to her as we cruised along. At this rate we were doing some good times, a few 5:31/km, we were feeling good. But then, Barto's calf flared up, he said to keep going and he'd try to sort it out. I travelled along with Jen and she then stopped for a loo stop around the 15km mark, so then I was on my own.

At the 17km mark I ate my raspberry lollies and hit one of the first bigger hills, I took it easy and managed to get across the half marathon point in under 2 hours. I felt at this point I was on track to finish the marathon in around the 4hr mark, but I also knew I'd gone out hard, so was not sure where I'd get the energy from to keep up this pace, especially knowing there were some big hills ahead.

After the 21km point my pace slowed considerably, my legs started to tire and my feet and toes were very sore. My pace had slowed and my km laps were all starting to be over 6:00/km, at the 26 km mark the hills really started to kick in, I tried to keep running up them, but the mental challenge got a bit too much, I saw other people walking and thought, bugger it, I think I need to take a walk as well to get up those hills, so I did. It's hard to believe I managed to do 37km in training without having a walk break, but I guess the hills just got me, I totally underestimated them!

By 28km, there was a lovely down hill and I ran that km in 5:32km, shows how much the down hill gives you in speed! But then, back up another hill, more walking but still keeping to a walk jog, I would try not to walk more than 200metres, and then take a jog.

By the 36km mark it was all a mental challenge, my legs were stuffed and my will power was starting to fade away. Knowing I'd completed this distance before probably helped a bit but also was a hindrance, because I knew I'd done better last time. Between 36 and 40km I kept to a walk/jog, my slowest kilometre was 7:56! And that was on the flat! Lol!

At the 40km mark I stopped for a drink and my final energy gel, at this point I ran into Kellie, another girl from work who was also running the marathon.  I was sooooo happy to see her and we ran together for a bit, then she dropped back to run with one of her other work mates Paul.  I kept going but then hit another point where I wanted to walk, and then Kellie came up behind me and said "Hey, come on, lets keep running, I did not sprint up to you just to start walking" So, I picked it up to a slow jog and Kellie kept me going to the 42km mark. Thank god for running into her!  She was so motivating!

After we passed the marathon point, in a time of 4:24:11, I told Kellie to keep going because I need to take a little walk before running it into the end.  I walked for about 300metres and then picked it up to run it home.  The last 500 metres were so hard, seeing the finish line.  But thankfully at this point there are a lot of spectators and they really help you bring it home. Heaps of kids high fiving and giving loads of encouragement.

Just near the finish line I saw my work friend Julie with a sign saying "Go Megsy!" Man, I so needed this and I was so grateful that she waited around, I was a lot longer than I anticipated.  The right near the end I saw Sares, Kymbo and Barto and I crossed the line with a smile on my face, got my medal and then headed over for a congratulations hug!  (For those of you who know me, you know I don't hug, so it shows how much it meant to me to have these guys at the finish line supporting me)

My total finish time for the 44km was 4:39:47.  So just slightly above what I thought it would be, I was thinking I'd come in around the 4:24 for the 44 km, but I think given the course, I am pretty chuffed with this time.  After all, I crossed the line running and that to me is the main thing!

After a few photo opportunities, we caught up with Julie for a brief run down of how I went and then headed to the beach for a much needed dip in the ocean.  It was cold but so good.

After our dip in the water we headed to RB's Mum's house (you remember running bestie from the start - she could not be there today as was in Tassie for her gorgeous nephews b'day) for a shower.  RB had arranged for us to use the shower and gave us a key to the house, thanks to RB's Mum for agreeing to let us use the shower - it was a god send!

So from here it was the long trip home to Lara, with a few too many loo stops on the way (I was very focussed on being hydrated) and then a stop at Freshwater creek bakery for a passion fruit sponge (thanks Barto - that was so awesome), we arrived home around 5pm.  Thanks again to Sares for driving me all the way home, you are amazing.

So folk, that was my marathon. It was amazing and I am so happy to have completed it. I loved my training, especially the long runs. I did not love getting sick and I am still suffering from this, feeling a little wheezy (don't think this helped yesterday - but it's not an excuse). But I guess it's all part and parcel, gotta take the good with the bad.

I also want to thank everyone for their support along the way (I'll try and do a more detailed post later with all my thank you's) But for now, I will give a blanket thank you to everyone who has supported me in this journey to becoming a marathoner! I could not have done it without you - it's been so wonderful to have people spurring my on and motivating me to achieve this great experience.  Thank you just doesn't seem enough - love you all xxxxxx

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