Sunday 19 April 2015

And it's 4 weeks to go, woo hoo!

Week 16 has been very kind to me, I've had some really nice runs this week, even though there was one run in the rain. 

I don't know what it is, but I felt like I'd turned a corner this week, I managed to do some of my shorter runs at a quicker pace and did not feel tired like I had the previous week. 

Monday was my first run of the week and I decided to tackle a couple of hills, but I still managed to run a 5:19/km pace, which was great given I'd had my long run on Saturday. I did not feel any fatigue and even kept my pace up as I hit the hills.  It was a 10km run, so put in in good stead for the week ahead.

Wednesday was scheduled for 12 km, so I took all my clothes etc into work on Tuesday so that on Wednesday morning I was able to get off the train at Corio station. It is exactly 12km in from Corio station to work, it's a nice easy run. I did the same run last week and really felt tired, but this week I did not feel like this at all. It was a humid morning, but I managed a 5:27/km pace, so was again, really happy with this and how the week was tracking.

Friday was my long run day this week, I took my stuff into work on Thursday and then on Friday morning I ran into work.  I did a small 3km loop before heading out along the track to give me the 21km distance. It was a perfect morning, still conditions and nice and mild. Although it was my long run and I really should be taking it easy, I could not help but lift the pace this week, which I think mentally for me was a good idea. I managed a 5:37/km pace and felt good the whole way, no issues at all. If I can do this sort of pace for the marathon I'll be really happy!

Today was my last run of the week, it's a rainy day but I just decided to get out there and get it done. My schedule called for an 8km run, so that's not too long to be in the rain! Mind you it was not raining when I started so I was quite lucky, but I did get hit by a shower as I ran. I felt fantastic again, nice and easy and did not realise I was travelling so fast, I was surprised to see my pace at 5:25/km.

So amazingly after feeling a little bit sad and sorry for myself last week, this week could not have been better. Maybe it was the high of doing my 34km last week, it really did have me buzzing. I'm not sure, but I just hope I can carry this feeling on until the marathon. I think I can. My spirits are high and knowing that this time in 4 weeks I should have finished the run, I just can't help but feel excited. I imagine crossing the line and having a medal hanging around my neck! I just can't wait. 

But, I won't get too far ahead of myself. This week is my longest run with 37km scheduled! I am excited and just can't wait. Saturday can't come soon enough.  It imagine how your mind shifts through the training cycle, 37km seemed so daunting to me, and now, I feel it's really achievable. Let's hope so. I will take it easy, no record breaking to occur!

Also, in other exciting news, I bought some running tops which I will try out this week to decided which top I will wear on race day! And I also bought a new flip belt which I will use to carry my gels and phone etc. Its very cool, I will post some pics!

Until next time folks, enjoy yourself, keep fit and healthy. And remember, those dreams that you have today, will become reality tomorrow and then memories the next day. Keep dreaming and living the dream. :-)

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