Saturday 14 February 2015

The ups and downs that were week 7

The week started with my eyes still being slightly puffy from Sundays run at Serendip Sanctuary, they ended up taking over 24 hours to return to normal, certainly not fun! Mondays run was 10km and I decided to do a run through Newtown where there are a few decent hills. It was a warm morning but I enjoyed the run and killed the hills, well, they almost killed me if I'm truthful! I did a nice pace of 5:31 per km, so not bad overall.

Wednesday I ran wig Barto and did a faster paced 8km, up through Eastern gardens, so again more hills, we did a 5:26 per km pace, it was another warm morning.  Barto had a few issues with his calf and a trip to the physio is in order! My back has been playing up a bit, feels like it needs a good crack! Can't wait to see my myotherapist next week.

Now for the low point of the week, Fridays run, 15 km. it was a warm morning and I'm not sure what was wrong, but my legs were really heavy (I did a big session on the foam roller last night) and right from the start, I just did not feel good. Again, I did the hills in Newtown, and this time they really did kill me! I was suffering. My pace was 6:05, which should have felt easy, but it felt terrible. My Nike watch was also way out compared the the route I mapped, so to get to 15km on my watch, I actually ran 16km. Yes, I know, I could have stuck to the route, but I'm a sucker for having my watch record my distances., and I'd planned to run 15km, so I want my watch to read 15km, I could not stop at 14! Obsessive compulsive I know.

So given Fridays run was so bad, I decided to do my last run of the week today, on a Saturday, just so I could clear the cobwebs and get in a decent run. It was hot and humid, but I ended up having an awesome run, felt really good, did a 5:41 pace. So, that took my mind off my horrible run and the bonus is I get to sleep in tomorrow, don't have to get up early and run. The other bonus is, week 7 of training is complete! Yippee! So happy and looking forward to next weeks long run, 23km, bring it on.

That's all for now folks, I'll leave you with this one thought: A journey of a thousand miles, must begin with one step!

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