Sunday 1 March 2015

Finally, some friends and an even longer run!

I was excited this week to have some buddies to run with on Wednesday, Tuesday I did an 8km run through the gardens on my own and ran a 5:22km pace. Wednesday was also an 8km day, and Barto was back following his week off with his calf injury, Timbo also came along and a work colleague of theirs, also Tim.

We did another 8km through the gardens and it was nice to have someone to chat to, Tim has done a lot of travel and we enjoyed talking about our travels to Japan, he also gave me some good recommendations on Germany, a trip to the Black Forrest is a must apparently! Will have to look into that.

Friday  was my 12km day and it was a nice bright morning so I got off the train at Corio and ran to work. I took it easy at a 5:43 pace. Felt good and got into work early.

Sunday has truly been the highlight of the week though with my 27km run being my longest ever run. I realise this will be an upcoming regular occurrence, but it's amazing how you feel each time you break the barrier. I ran from home and started out with a simple 4km circuit before heading out along the same path I did last week, which was 23km. I felt really good most of the way, a little bit of lower back pain, but over all I did not really tire. I had carb loaded a little yesterday, so this definitely helped. I used gels at 10km, 17km and 23km, this was mainly to time in with my water stops.

As I neared the end of my run I could not help but let out a cheer and raise my arms like I was finishing a race.  My pace was a 6:02, so I am happy with this as I had planned to take it slow. I did feel a little delirious at the 25km mark, but not in a bad way, just a bit of a case of the giggles.

After my run, I did have a big rush of endorphins and felt totally amazing. It was bizarre. Certainly felt a lit better than last weeks 23km run.

This week is my recovery week and I will run to work Friday, a 19km run, so will need to add on a kilometre at the start or end.

So, I feel this has been a momentous week, very excited and happy!

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